• Why are some diseases not included?

    Not included in the basic kit are the following diseases for the following reasons:

    Hep B: Only an issue if your child shares needles or body fluids with someone with HepB.  The incidence in the US is under 2%.

    Diphtheria: No incidence in many decades and easily treatable.

    Rotavirus: 95% of the population gets this and natural disease confers lifelong immunity. Only an issue if you reside in a country with no access to clean water or rehydration

    Flu: Influenzinum is available as an extra nosode if desired

    Rubella: Only an issue for pregnant women. We advise adding this one during childbearing years for females

    Hep A: Not life threatening and easily treatable.  Only contagious through fecal matter in food or water

    Chickenpox: This childhood disease confers lifelong immunity for many cancers and plays a role in immune maturation. Wild CP is best.  After the CP vaccine came out, the incidence of shingles increased because people were no longer receiving immune boosts. Best to contract wild CP.

    HPV: This is a manufactured vaccine for a problem that isn’t a problem. 95% of sexually active people carry HPV and clear it spontaneously within 2 years. The vaccine addresses 3 of the 100+ strains and besides many injuries recorded, is also causing other strains (formerly less problematic) to become more virulent.  This is an illustration of the wreckage that can occur when you mess with Mother Nature.

  • Can we catch diseases from HP pellets?

    No, absolutely not. Unlike vaccines that contain live viruses, there is nothing to “shed” with HP.  These remedies carry the energetic spectrum of the targeted disease.  The information is only received by the recipient.  Just like a cell phone picks up a radio frequency. You can’t receive a call going to someone else’s cell phone, nor can you receive the frequency of the disease someone else just took in HP form.

  • What's the best age to start HP?

    HP can be administered at any age. We usually recommend starting infants after one month old so they have time to form a good nursing relationship and mom knows his or her temperament.

  • Must we finish the entire program before there's any immunity?

    No, as soon as the first dose is taken, susceptibility is satisfied. By that we mean that we each have different susceptibilities (weaknesses) to certain diseases. If your ancestors had asthma or tuberculosis, you may have an increased susceptibility to pertussis. Once you take a dose of the HP pellets, your system begins to recognize the information communicated and then educates the immune system to hold this in memory until the disease is encountered in nature.

  • Can you "overdose" the pellets?

    No, this is energy.  Children have ingested entire vials of the pellets with no adverse effects.

  • What if we forget a dose?

    No problem! Just pick up where you left off when you start again. Having gaps of time is no problem.  The schedule is very flexible!

  • What if my child is sick at the time of the dose?

    WAIT until your child is well for 48 hours before dosing. His or her body is busy working on another illness and vitality needs to be adequate to manage the energetic disease from HP.

  • Who is "liable" if there is an injury or death?

    There has never been an injury or death from HP in 200 years of use. That being said, no method of disease protection is 100% effective – not vaccines, not HP. The only ‘liability’ is a chance of catching a disease. This is why parents are asked to sign a statement saying they are taking responsibility for their child’s health and are advised to have the input of their healthcare practitioner.

  • Isn't it better to just do nothing, we eat well and take supplements?

    Yes, that’s the common assumption.  And sound nutrition is definitely a part of robust immunity.  Here’s the difference – When Dr Isaac Golden did his 15 year study he used 3 groups. Unvaccinated who ate organic and had good health, vaccinated, and the homeoprophylaxis (HP) group.  What he found was that the HP group had better long term health outcomes. In other words, they had fewer colds, ear infections, etc.  He attributed this to the concept that they were actually receiving the diseases in an energetic form and thus had all the benefits of natural disease with none of the risks. In other words they were “exercising their immune systems” in a healthy way.

  • Will my child show titers for the diseases covered in the program?

    We don’t expect the development of antibodies.  Antibodies are not the gold standard of immunity. There are people who are high responders and still contract disease, or low or non-responders who don’t contract a disease. HP stimulates innate immunity, unlike vaccines that are designed to stimulate antibody production. That being said, there are individuals who, when tested, have shown titers to some of the diseases.  We do not claim this is directly from the HP dosing.

  • Will my child actually get the disease from taking the homeopathic remedy?

    No, this is not possible since the remedies are energetic in nature.

  • Will my child's school accept HP in place of vaccination?

    Not at this time. HP is not recognized by the government. Yet. But if you live in a state with a philosophical exemption, you are free to use HP and still attend school. I can provide you with forms to use with daycare or camp that state your child is using homeoprophylaxis. It is the parents’ responsibility to be aware of your state’s exemption policy and comply with any regulations.

  • Is it possible to contract any of these diseases after the remedy is taken? - What is the likelihood and possible severity if contracted?

    No method of immunization is 100% effective.  There is always a risk of catching disease. Diet, toxic exposure, and stress levels all contribute to immunity. Receiving the ‘frequency’ of the disease with HP dosing lessens the likelihood of contracting it. In Dr. Golden’s study, with children who had been positively exposed to the diseases, HP provided a 91% effectiveness rate. If a disease is contracted after taking HP, it is typically much more mild and short-lived. The body knows how to manage it more effectively since the information was ‘downloaded’ with the HP remedy.  The system is ‘familiar’ with the disease on an energetic level. In the event of contracting any disease, please contact your healthcare provider.

  • When does protection begin?

    A degree of protection begins as soon as the first dose is administered.  Each subsequent dose goes deeper into the system and provides deeper protection. You need not complete all the doses to have protection.  Depending on individual variables, protection lasts 5-10 years. You can give “booster” doses easily for the diseases you determine your child is most at risk for, or you can add additional diseases as desired.

  • Can I change the order of diseases?

    Yes, diseases can be shuffled to any order you choose. Just be sure to replicate the same order in the 200C series and the 10M series.

  • Can influenzium be added to the HP schedule?

    During flu season (October-March), influenzinum 30C can easily be added. Simply separate dosing by at least 1 week from other HP remedies. It can be given as often as 1-4 times/month (weekly) based on exposure.  Please contact me to order this additional remedy.

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